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RootKing Eye Care - Herbal remedies to Improve eyesight


What is bilberry? It sounds a lot like blueberry, and rightfully so, as it’s a relative to the benefit-rich blueberry and is most commonly used to make jams and pies. But did you now it’s also been used for centuries in medicine and food?

Historically, bilberry fruit was used to treat diarrhoea, scurvy and other conditions. Today, the fruit is used as a traditional remedy for diarrhoea, eye problems, varicose veins, poor circulation and even cancer prevention.

What makes this berry so phenomenal is that it contains naturally-producing chemicals known as anthocyanosises. Anthocyanosises are plant pigments that have powerful antioxidant properties. One study showed that bilberry had positive effects on vision in lower light environments. These antioxidants scavenge the body for free radicals, with the intention of helping to prevent or reverse damaged cells.



Why Are Lutein Good for Your Eyes? Not only can you find these potent antioxidants in many vegetables, they are also in your eyes, especially the lens, retina, and macula. That’s why doctors believe they play a key role in healthy vision.

Lutein and zeaxanthin protect your eyes from harmful high-energy light waves like ultraviolet rays in sunlight. Studies suggest that a high level of both in eye tissue is linked with better vision, especially in dim light or where glare is a problem.


Bilberries contain a set of powerful antioxidant and natural bioflavonoid complexes called Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC) supporting healthy eyes. Lutein exists in our body but it is not reproduced by our body, its role retards the oxidation of the macula. With more ingredients for good eye health such as zeaxanthin, bilberry & blueberry extracts, pine bark extract etc. Also contain hyaluronic acid which lubricates dry tired eyes. 

With natural ingredients, RootKing Eye Care not only maintains healthy eyes but also help delay or prevent eyes problem & disease.

Click here to find out more!

Root King – nature gives you the most natural care!

Root King believes in natures’ best and providing everyone a natural healthy life. Together with health experts and herbal producers, we explore the herbaceous and select precious herbs from all over the world to make daily health products. We use ingredient process by advanced extraction technology to obtain the active components of the herbs while retaining its natural essence than traditional method. The process helps filter out toxins so it is free from impurities and harmful components found in the raw herbs, making it safe for daily consume. The extracted ingredients are also water soluble and easily absorb into the body.

Follow them on their official Facebook page for more updates and product! 

Root King Eye Care 根王眼金睛 含玻尿酸助纾缓干涩双眼



叶黄素(Lutein)是目前已经发现的六百多种天然类胡萝卜素中的一种,属于光合色素。一般在绿叶的蔬菜中可以找得到。叶黄素本身是一种抗氧化物,可抵御氧自由基在人体内造成细胞与器官损伤,预防机体衰老引发的心血管硬化、冠心病等症状。 重要的是叶黄素是可以存在眼睛水晶体的类胡萝卜素成分,是视网膜黄斑的主要色素和抗氧化成分,许多眼科问题都与叶黄素的缺乏有很大关系,并可以吸收蓝光等有害光线。可见叶黄素对于眼睛起着重要保护作用。



玉米黄素或玉米黄质(Zeaxanthin)是叶黄素的异构体。他是视网膜含有二种类胡萝卜素的其中一种,主要存在于黄斑部分,其他部分则是以叶黄素为主。在人体内,玉米黄质是一种强抗氧化剂,还可通过猝灭单线态氧、清除自由基等抗氧化行为来保护机体组织细胞,从而保护生物系统免受一些由于过量氧化反应所产生的潜在的有害作用。 作为一种强抗氧化剂,它可以淬灭单线态氧和光敏剂的三重态,清除损害性氧自由基,防止膜脂过氧化,减少脂褐素的形成,进而防止白内障的形成。研究表明,叶黄素和玉米黄质摄入高的人群,比低摄入量的人群患白内障的可能性可降低 19%~22%。预防老年性黄斑区病变作用。



在2004年国际长寿会议(International Conference on Longevity),一些研究者释放出一项研究的细节,显示蓝莓中一些特定化合物对于脑功能退化的抑制有强烈影响,相关问题包括了阿兹海默症。美国罗格斯大学的研究者也展示了蓝莓可能可以防止泌尿道感染。40克新鲜蓝莓包含了3克的膳食纤维与14毫克维他命C。由于蓝莓富含花青素花青素,具有活化视网膜以强化视力,防止眼球疲劳而备受注目。也是世界粮农组织推荐的五大健康水果之一。并且据美国、日本、欧洲科学家研究,经常食用蓝莓制品,还可明显地增强视力,消除眼睛疲劳。医学临床报告也显示,蓝莓中的花青素花青素可以促进视网膜细胞中的视紫质再生,预防近视,增进视力。
